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Flavours of Fingal
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Events in Fingal has pledged to reduce its use of plastic and ask that all our exhibitors and caterers help us.

As a responsible organisation Events in Fingal have identified ways to reduce our use of pointless plastic and polystyrene.

Exhibitors and caterers at Events in Fingal are asked NOT to use the following:-
• Plastic carrier bags
• Plastic Cutlery
• Plastic or polystyrene food containers
• Plastic lollipop sticks
• Plastic packaging & wrappers
• Plastic straws
• Plastic or polystyrene take away cups

Please use paper or cardboard packaging & wrapping, wooden cutlery and compostable takeaway cups as an alternative.

We are more aware than ever about our impact on the environment. However being aware is not enough… we must each take steps to lower our impact.

See some sustainable living tips here for ideas on how you can be a better friend to your environment.

There are many things we can do to lower our impact on the environment but it does take a little action. In the areas of travelling, food, consuming fast fashion, lowering energy use or packaging each one of us can make some changes. See these everyday sustainable living tips on the above link which you can incorporate into your lifestyle.